R6e9f09223a77268e8097bed7249b4409 Phone: 0492 940 316
 OIP Email: caa@caa.edu.au
  kisspng-home-page-computer-icons-website-world-wide-web-blue-home-page-icon-png-5ab0575dd9d761.3192888215215061418923 Website: www.caa.edu.au 
  facebook-512 Facebook: www.facebook.com/careersadvisers 
  twitter Twitter: https://twitter.com/CAANSWACT or @CAANSWACT
R5b1417c8be4aa0efa162cd68f76590f7 Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/in/career-advisers-association-6b66a61b1/ 







smartphone-apps-icons-27034088 Careers Advisers APP

CAA’s APP for Careers Advisers has all the important news and information for high school Careers Advisers! Features include:

  • Communication Hub & Announcements: Connect with other Careers Advisers via the social feed and receive notifications when important announcements are made. 

  • CAA Event Information: A one-stop-shop for information about CAA's professional development events including venue and location information, programs, speaker bio's, workshop summaries, exhibitor information, speaker presentations and resources provided by presenters.

  • Live and Interactive Features: Live polls, competitions and other interactive features operating during CAA events.

  • Newsletters: Access CAA newsletters in just a couple of clicks.

  • Job Corner: Find out about Careers Adviser positions being advertised.

To download the APP on your mobile phone or tablet device click on the relevant image below:

       R77dd03de42745186e3517a91177e6960   iTunes App Store

       R3e33a05725c73de1ebb41a1c3d48be84  Google App Store


R5977eec88de55598cf329ac8155ce801 Facebook Careers Advisers Discussion Forum

CAA’s Facebook School Careers Advisers Discussion Forum assists Careers Adviser members to connect with their colleagues, ask for assistance, share ideas and resources and to find out what other important Career Education and Development initiatives Careers Advisers are implementing in their school. The group is called the "CAA Careers Advisers Discussion Forum" and is for NSW & ACT high school Careers Advisers only: www.facebook.com/groups/careersadvisers