Provider Events Calendar

The online calendar of Tertiary, Industry & Service Provider Events for Careers Advisers, Students, Parents & Carers allows institutions, private colleges, RTO's and other educational and commercial providers to input their own event information such as:

  • Open Days & Information Seminars;

  • Careers Expos & Markets;

  • Seminars for Prospective Students;

  • Course, Scholarship and Entry seminars for students; and

  • Other events relevant to Careers Advisers, students and parents.

Adding Your Events

To add your events to the online calendar:

  1. Go to
  2. You must log in to view the calendar and add or edit your events. If you do not have an account, see below for instructions on how to create one.
  3. Once logged in, you will be taken to an admin area. In the top right-hand corner, hover your mouse over the picture/icon of a green snake with the text “Modules”. When you hover over this, a drop-down list will appear with the word “Events”. Click on the word “Events”.

            Module Events

  1. On the next page, click on the “+ ADD EVENT” green button in the top right-hand corner.

Add event

  1. A series of tabs will appear and you need to complete the input in each tab before you can add an event.

Enter Events

Ensure you click “Save” on each tab before proceeding to the next tab.

The tabs are:

  • General: Input the event date and time; Input the event description; In the “Categories” section, tick the box for “Tertiary, Industry & Provider Events” and tick the boxes relevant for the target audience (eg Careers Advisers, Students Year 12 etc) and location of the event.
  • Location: If you input an address here, a map will be visible to the user.
  • Images / Documents: Upload your logo or other material that will be visible to the user once they open your event.
  • Contact: Include contact details.
  • Security: If you want this event visible to anyone, in ‘Public Event’, select “Yes”. To restrict the event so that it is only visible to people when they are logged in to the CAA website, select “No”.
  • Other: Add organisation details and an event website if you have one.
  • Registration: This section only relates to whether users are permitted to register for your event through the CAA website. We are not currently allowing this, so please select “No”.
  1. Once you have saved your data on each tab, you can click “Save & Close” on any tab.
  2. When CAA has approved your event, usually within 24 hours, it will appear online.

Editing Your Events

To edit your event once entered:

  1. Go to
  2. You must log in to view the calendar and add or edit your events.
  3. Once logged in, you will be taken to an admin area. There are a series of menu item tabs: My Account; My Memberships; My Payments; My Events; My Orders; My Store; My Listings.
  4. Click on the “My Events” tab.
  5. Click on the event you would like to edit.
  6. Ensure you click the “Save” button on each tab where you edit information.