Elevating High School Careers Advisers Through CAA's Advocacy and Collaboration - Our Progress This Year

1st August 2024
Progress Update Report

The CAA team has been exceptionally busy supporting and advocating for our members in their role as Careers Advisers through a range of connections we have with industry, government bodies and education sectors. To inform you about what we have been undertaking so far this year, below is an outline of the activities and events that your Executive have been involved in.

Our ongoing relationship with the NSW Department of Education remains productive and informative. At the beginning of the year, CAA President, Jenine Smith met several times with Trevor Bale (Director Careers Programs), Gerard Delany (Leader, Careers and Workplace Learning, Skills Pathways) and Gavin Orgill, to discuss career resources relevant for school-based Careers Advisers and the role of Careers Advisers in schools. Jenine also met with Belinda Standage (Senior Secondary and Post-schooling Adviser, Schools and Transitions Unit – Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships Directorate) regarding Aboriginal Engagement Centres in schools and how to support Careers Advisers to assist their Aboriginal students to succeed at school and beyond.

The NSW Department of Customer Service Behavioural Insights Unit also requested the assistance of CAA in the development of resources for schools on the topic of emerging trades and supporting women into these trades. Members of the CAA Executive were involved in a consultation on how best to develop effective information for Careers Advisers to share with students and parents on the value of women working in these emerging trades. 

The NSW VET Review has now concluded, releasing their Interim Report earlier in the year (which we have reviewed and informed members about) and now the Final Report to the NSW Government. CAA President, Jenine Smith represented CAA on the VET Review Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG). This group met regularly over the course of the VET Review process to discuss information relevant to ensuring an effective VET system both in schools and for post-school training. It provided the opportunity for Careers Advisers in schools to have a voice in the discussions that formed the recommendations being made to the government. The value of the feedback that was provided by Careers Advisers was acknowledged during local roundtable consultations across NSW. In July, the VET Review SRG consulted with TAFE NSW on the draft TAFE Charter that is being developed as per the recommendation of the VET Review Interim Report.

CAA continues to work with Training Services NSW to inform on vocational learning as a relevant learning experience for students. CAA and Training Services NSW ran a webinar last month updating members on RIEP programs and initiatives. CAA President, Jenine Smith also continues to represent CAA at Training Services NSW quarterly meetings with industry representatives at the VET Consultive Forum.

The Federal Government has been busy releasing reports and implementing recommendations to improve the Australian education system. The Universities Accord and the Shared Vision, Equal Pathways Federal Government Inquiry into the perceptions and status of vocational education and training, are two examples of the work being undertaken. CAA has been requested to provide feedback on a selection of reports and Jenine is writing up summaries of relevant information to share with members to keep you informed. CAA Vice President, Linda Drenkhahn, and her network colleagues, had the opportunity to talk with the Federal Minister for Education, Jason Clare, at a Careers Advisers Network Meeting earlier in the year.

Jenine Smith also represents CAA on the Professional Teachers Council of NSW (PTCNSW) Board as well as the PTCNSW NESA Accreditation Panel. The PTCNSW Board comprises representatives from Teaching Associations in NSW.  For CAA, this provides an opportunity to work with curriculum areas on how our role in schools supports the delivery of their curriculum and making the connection to the world of work. CAA's involvement with PTCNSW also assists Careers Advisers to have a voice with the Minister for Education through PTCNSW.

Our interaction directly with NESA continues through Jenine’s work with the Work Education and Commerce Technical Advisory Group to build new curriculums. CAA Executive Officer, Alison Muscat has also corresponded with NESA regarding CAA event presenters receiving NESA accredited professional development hours for their attendance as delegates which delivered a favourable outcome. CAA also communicated with NESA about providing clarification on the position of Mathematics remaining optional for students in Years 11 and 12.

Regular meetings with CAA and representatives fro each of the School Sectors continue, promoting school sector collaboration on matters which impact Careers Advisers in all school sectors and to share information and resources and evaluate how we can assist Careers Advisers in their roles in schools.

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) have replaced Industry Training Advisory Boards (ITABs) under the new Federal Government programs. Representing CAA, Jenine was invited to be a Subject-Matter Expert (SME) for the Public Skills Australia Council on their Careers and Pathways Network. The Network informs on how best to connect the industries they represent with opportunities to inform on potential career pathways in all three levels of government, Corrections, Police, Defence Forces and Fire and Rescue.  

Apprenticeship Support Australia recently connected with CAA to discuss the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) School Engagement Plan. Glenys, Tracy and Jenine met with Apprenticeship Support Australia to understand how this will impact schools in NSW.  We then organised an information session for the school sector representatives at our most recent meeting.

At the national level, CAA remains a strong representative for our members on the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA). The Federal and State governments are recognising the importance of effective Career Development education and support across the various stages of life to ensure an effective economy for Australia. CICA continues to work with government to support the implementation of effective Career Development Education programs across Australia as well as providing informative webinars for the Career Development industry that meet the requirements of their Professional Standards. Jenine represented CICA in a consultation with the Federal Government on the business case overview and co-design for a National Skills Passport in March. In June, Jenine participated in the CICA Council in person meeting in Melbourne to review CICA's strategic goals, assess progress to date and align our path to 2025. The productive outcome was a clear understanding of CICA’s purpose and differentiation for member organisations.

CAA Executive look to attend events and take up opportunities provided for us to interact with industry, government and education. For example, Jenine Smith and Linda Drenkhahn recently attended the Australian Employment Network NSW & ACT (AEN) Skills Conference to network with industry and be informed on employment data, AI in industry, economic outlooks and how vocational education works with industries. Mick Lee and Nathan Cassilles will be attending the CDAA National Conference in Melbourne to gather information and contacts for professional development opportunities for CAA to provide for members.

Jenine was invited to represent CAA on the National Skills Week Advisory Committee whose role is to participate in the development of the National Skills Week 2024 program across the country.  This year National Skills Week is on 19 -25th August. SkillsOne are the driving force behind National Skills Week, and they also produce entertaining and informative showcases to educate students and parents on Vocational Education and Training opportunities. In May, Jenine was invited to participate in a live event for parents, “Their Next Move”, as part of a panel to provide insight and ideas on the value of Vocational Education and Training.

The Teachers Guild of NSW recently held an information session on Contextual Mentoring which Jenine was invited to participate in and will look to see how members can be informed on the theories and ideas around Contextual Mentoring. This is to be followed up with a participation in a roundtable with the Physics Institute STEM discussion regarding HSC enrolments and how to encourage students to take up physics. 

We also continue to update our website's ‘Resource Library’ to provide our members with relevant and up-to-date documentation to help them in their roles.

Hopefully, this gives you some insight into how your Association is dedicated to working for you to support you and to inform and raise awareness about the critical importance of our jobs in schools.

We extend our gratitude to Jenine and the CAA Executive Committee and as always, we encourage members to reach out to CAA if you have suggestions about how we may support members in their roles as high school Careers Advisers.

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