Navigating Career Development in Schools: Insights & Tips For Success

Presenter: Kay Woodhams, Careers & Transition Adviser, Normanhurst Boys High School

Workshop Summary  

Kay will share her insights, wisdom and lessons learnt over her many years as a Careers Adviser in a range of different high schools.

About the Presenter

Kay is a passionate and dedicated Careers Adviser who has delivered quality, award-winning Career Development Education in schools. Kay believes networking with all stakeholders is crucial to awareness of the ever changing and dynamic nature of being a Careers Adviser. Kay was asked to co-ordinate, facilitate & present as part of the Premier’s Initiative a Joint Partnership between TAFE (Communication & Curriculum) & Fairfield District Office – ‘Mentoring, Coaching & Communication.’ Teachers from feeder schools in the Fairfield District participated in two single day workshop sessions at Granville TAFE and then implemented the mentoring program into their schools.

Kay was one of the pioneers of developing joint programs with TAFE for disengaged students in the nineties. She coordinated and worked with the Outreach Department at Granville TAFE while at Parramatta High School to develop two day a week courses with successful programs in spray painting, mechanics, and hairdressing/beauty. Kay has introduced a Careers transition plan for students at Normanhurst Boys High School to maximise their post school options. This has involved an overall school awareness of what is required for a student’s positive experience in: school and ultimately their Career transition path – including leadership, volunteering, and extracurricular opportunities. Kay was honoured to receive the 2017 Careers Adviser of the Year Award and the 2023 Hilary Bolin Award for Excellence in Career Development and Education.

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