The Current and Future State of the Labour Market: What Does it Mean for Young People?

Presenter: Cliff Bingham, Assistant Secretary, Labour Market and Migration Branch, Jobs and Skills Australia

Workshop Summary  

In this session, we paint a picture of Australia’s current and future labour market needs, covering:

  • the current state of the labour market and where employers are currently hiring;
  • what the future jobs market might look like;
  • key skills needs of the future;
  • research on what employers look for in job applicants – covering education and training, past work experience, and core employability skills – and how advisors can help young people take advantage of these opportunities.

About the Presenter

Cliff Bingham is Assistant Secretary of the Labour Market and Migration Branch of Jobs and Skills Australia. He leads Jobs and Skills Australia’s work to advise on issues affecting the state of the Australian and international labour markets, and how these affect Australia’s current and emerging workforce skills needs. Cliff has worked across several Australian Public sector agencies for more than 20 years, including on long-run demographic and labour productivity analysis for the Department of the Treasury.
